EQSは高度に洗練された技術と使いやすさの両立で既に知られているが、EQSの新しいモデリング・ドロウイング・ツール Diagrammer のサポートにより構造式モデリング化がさらに易しくなりました。
●Diagrammer によりモデリングが極めて容易に行える!
Make just a few clicks on the mouse and you can draw presentation-quality diagrams. Once your model is drawn, choose Build EQS from the scroll-down menu and EQS runs your model, based on the diagram。コマンド言語の使用は、もはや必要ありません。When you are ready to present results, simply print the diagram directly or cut and paste into your favorite word processor for final production.
●EQS 5によりワークフローを大幅に改善
EQS 5 features everything one would expect from a Windows/Macintosh application with point and click features that give you quick access to any EQS test. Data preparation and evaluation that previously had to be done with other programs is now handled seamlessly and efficiently within EQS. Enter data directly into EQS' spreadsheet editor, import via standard formats (dBase, Lotus, etc.), or cut and paste data (raw data, correlation matrix, etc.) from another package. In the spreadsheet you can easily transform variables, edit data, or perform exploratory factor analysis to create an automatic model setup.
●Full Range of Modeling Features
EQS tests the full range of structural equations models including multiple regression, multivariate regression, confirmatory factor analysis, structured means analysis, and multiple population comparisons. EQS 5 now also includes polyserial and polychoric correlations for treating categorical data, the Satorra-Bentler scaled chi-square statistic, enhancements to the RETEST and WTEST options, and the ability to import weight matrices.
EQS combines statistical analysis capabilities (descriptive, t tests, ANOVA, multiple and stepwise regression, etc.) with data exploration plots (スキャッタ・プロット, ヒストグラム, マトリックス・プロット, pie chart, multiple plot, etc.) to provide researchers with coordinated algebraic as well as graphical views of their data. Insights gained from these views will help you to efficiently formulate an optimal model. There is no need to switch between different software packages to perform various analyses, allowing you more time to focus on your model.
EQS currently serves thousands of researchers in psychology, education, economics, market research, sociology, and other fields utilizing structural equations modeling techniques. Once you've tried EQS, you'll agree that it provides researchers with great er ease of use than any other structural equations modeling package available.
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