2. Working with RATS
RATS is a command-driven application, which means that you do work in RATS by typing in and executing sequences of instructions.
Most common econometrics tasks, such as estimating regression models, forecasting data, and testing hypothesis can be handled with just a few simple commands, many of which will be introduced later in this tour.
RATS also provides many other instructions that allow you to implement more complex tasks. These include:
* instructions and functions for doing scalar arithmetic and matrix algebra.
* programming features, such as IF, WHILE, and UNTIL statements and looping instructions.
* the ability to create subroutines of RATS instructions, called Procedures.
* instructions for doing frequency domain analysis
* instructions for writing interactive routines, which can prompt users for information or allow users to select items from dialog boxes. You can even add your own menus to the RATS menu bar.
This design makes it easy to perform many common (and not-so-common) tasks, while still providing a great deal of flexibility. Because you aren't limited to a particular set of canned routines, you'll be able to immediately implement many of the latest techniques, or develop your own ideas.
→2-1. Running the Program |
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