2-2. The RATS Editor
To start RATS in interactive mode, you can just double-click on the RATS icon (Windows or Mac versions), or just type RATS386 at the DOS prompt (DOS version). Please note that the UNIX versions currently do not include a built-in editor.
When the program loads into memory, you'll see the following screen (this is taken from WinRATS running under Windows95, the Windows 3.1, Macintosh, and DOS screens are similar):
As you can see, the RATS editor looks a lot like a standard text-editor or word-processor.
RATS has automatically opened a new window, and given it the title NONAME00.PRG. The "{io}" notation in the title bar of the window indicates that this window is both the "input" window and the "output" window. This means that we can execute instructions in this window, and that RATS will display any output generated by those instructions to this same window. You also have the option of using separate windows for input and output.
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